Hello, Summer!

Dear Fellow SEA Members,
I am so excited to connect with you, stepping out of the role of Vice President, and now as your elected President, in this time after our last student day. Many of our members have begun their summer break, some are finishing their year, and others still are hard at work beginning preparations for the 2024-2025 school year. Our newly-elected Officers and Board of Directors are connecting this week to prepare for the SEA work ahead and our NEA RA delegates head to Philadelphia next week to represent Washington State at our National Representative Assembly.
With the 2023-2024 school year behind us, your dedication to our students, education, and our union does not go unseen. As members of the Seattle Education Association, we are united by our commitment to improving student learning conditions, promoting racial equity, and protecting the rights of educators within our school communities. Your work as educators and unionists is deeply appreciated.
Each summer, educators look forward to a well-deserved chance to recharge and rest. For those looking to stay involved as we head into these summer months, we have several opportunities to stay engaged!
- Sign up for On Board with SEA and attend the June 26 and July 2 school board meetings – If you would like to give public testimony at either meeting, please let us know in the RSVP form.
- Check your email this summer for a message to members and a follow up survey after we learn more about the preliminary recommendations for Seattle Public Schools closures and consolidations.
- Visit www.seattlewea.org for updates on staying connected and informed.
I want to take a moment to touch on the “union triangle,” which we use to guide our work. Our union triangle stands strong on the legs of legislative action, collective bargaining, and organizing, with racial equity as the throughline and members at the center of our work. These values drive our work in union, together as one SEA. Let us center our focus on our common ground: the shared belief in the transformative power of education, and the imperative to foster an inclusive and equitable environment for all.
Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of our students, and uphold the dignity and rights of every educator. Whether it’s participating in discussions, attending community meetings, sharing your ideas with friends and colleagues, or taking a well-deserved rest to return to 2024-2025 rejuvenated and ready. I look forward to our continued collaboration and achievement now and in the coming school year.
In solidarity,
Meesh Vecchio
SEA President
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