Bargaining 2024-25
Upcoming Zone Meetings!
Together in our union we have the power to win changes to our contract that improve our working conditions and help our students. Please join SEA members on the bargaining team for a Zone Meeting where we’ll discuss the results from the bargaining survey, share the most up-to-date bargaining information, and enjoy dinner together!
This will also be a great time to connect with your fellow SEA members. All meetings start at 4:30 p.m. and childcare will be provided.
Upcoming Zone Meetings:
- Zones 6 & 8 – 4/1 @ Ballard High School
- Zones 7 & 9 – 4/2 @ Ingraham
- Zones 3 & 4 – 4/3 @ Interagency Academy
- Rescheduled! Zones 1 & 2 – 4/9 @ Madison Middle School
- Rescheduled! Zone 5 & JSCEE – 4/10 @ Location TBD – Central District Area