2025 WEA/NEA RA Delegate Election Certified Results
The 2025 WEA/NEA RA Delegate Election has concluded. The election results have been certified by the SEA Board of Directors.
SEA is allocated 88 delegates to the 2025 WEA RA based on membership. The SEA Board of Directors has approved funding for 26 delegates to the WEA RA. Four (4) of the twenty-six (26) funded delegate positions are filled by virtue of office in accordance with our SEA bylaws. The WEA RA will be held in-person in Spokane, WA, April 24-26, 2025.
SEA has been allocated 36 delegates to 2025 NEA RA. The SEA Board of Directors has approved funding for 20 delegates to the NEA RA. Four (4) of the 20 funded delegate positions are filled by virtue of office in accordance with our SEA bylaws. The NEA RA will be held in-person in Portland, OR, July 2-6, 2025.
Delegates to the RAs play a key role in setting the direction of the work of the WEA and NEA for the next year. WEA is a member-driven, democratically-governed organization and the annual Representative Assembly (RA) is its chief policy making body. Delegates serve a one-year term.
To download a PDF copy of the voting results, click here.
Pursuant to a letter of agreement with the Seattle Education Association, hereinafter referred to as the American Arbitration Association, hereinafter referred to as the agreed to conduct an Online Election of Delegates. Voting instructions and Personal Identification Numbers were emailed to eligible voters on Thursday, February 6, 2025. SEA provided the Administrator with a list of eligible voters. Online voting occurred beginning on Friday, February 7, 2025 at 9:00 AM PT, and concluded on Friday, February 21, 2025 at 7:00 PM PT. Results were downloaded by the Administrator after the closing of the polls. The secrecy of the results was maintained at all times. The results are certified to be as follows:
Meesh Vecchio | voo* | Meesh Vecchio | voo* |
Otis E. Golden | voo* | Otis E. Golden | voo* |
Tammy Watson | voo* | Tammy Watson | voo* |
Andrew Eckels | voo* | Andrew Eckels | voo* |
Ibijoke (Ibi) Idowu | 200 | Ibijoke (Ibi) Idowu | 191 |
Peter Henry | 189 | Elizabeth Ward-Robertson | 178 |
Price Jimerson | 184 | Otis E. Golden | 177 |
Whitney Kahn | 177 | Price Jimerson | 177 |
DaZanne Porter | 176 | Whitney Kahn | 177 |
Connor Lee | 175 | Connor Lee | 176 |
Marla Rasmussen | 174 | Peter Henry | 174 |
Shannon Ratner | 174 | Char Dhoot | 171 |
Davina Diaz she/her | 172 | Davina Diaz she/her | 171 |
Ms. Vallerie Fisher | 170 | Ms. Vallerie Fisher | 171 |
Heather Barker | 168 | DaZanne Porter | 167 |
Stan Strasner | 167 | Marla Rasmussen | 165 |
Stef Skiljan | 167 | Ashley Myers | 164 |
Char Dhoot | 165 | Shannon Ratner | 164 |
Ashley Myers | 164 | Heather Barker | 163 |
Jeff Paul | 161 | Susan Talley | 161 |
Jennifer L. Hall | 161 | Matt Legacki | 160 |
Susan Talley | 161 | Stan Strasner | 160 |
Antoinette Felder | 158 | Jeff Paul | 157 |
Sherrill Jackson-Vaughan | 158 | Stef Skiljan | 157 |
Liz Ruiz-Puyana | 156 | Antoinette Felder | 156 |
Matt Legacki | 155 | Liz Ruiz-Puyana | 156 |
Alisha Quinones | 153 | Alisha Quinones | 153 |
Matt Burtness | 148 | Alaina McCallum | 152 |
Mary Vester | 145 | Mary Vester | 152 |
Stephan Kimmerle | 144 | Sherrill Jackson-Vaughan | 151 |
Joyce McDonald | 140 | Matt Burtness | 150 |
Soren Stewart-MacTavish | 139 | Ann Dunbar | 144 |
Jake Miller | 135 | Jake Miller | 135 |
Jenn Dunne | 132 | Melissa Bedford | 130 |
Melissa Bedford | 128 | Soren Stewart-MacTavish | 130 |
Veronica Ainsa | 127 | Veronica Ainsa | 127 |
Matthew Van Duyn | 125 | Charlotte Alexander | 121 |
Lizzie Anema | 123 | ||
Charlotte Alexander | 122 | ||
{Lexi Awdziejczyk}{Alexis Awdziejczyk} {Lexi Awdziejczwk} {Lexi Awdziejczyk.} | 21 | ||
{April Hichens}{April Hichins} {April Hitchens} {April} | 18 | ||
{Jami Hanulik} {Jami Hanulik,} {Jami hanulik} {Jami} | 16 | ||
{Bowie Hichens} | 15 | ||
{Malakia Vester} {Malika Vester} | 12 | ||
{Marian Wagner} {Marian Wagner} | 11 | ||
{Shelby Jones} | 10 | ||
*By Virtue of Office | |||
**Brackets indicate write-in votes. |
If you have questions or inquiries, contact the Nominations & Elections Committee Co-Chair Morgan Leming at: SEAelectionscommittee@gmail.com.