2025 WEA RA & NEA RA Delegate Elections
Below you will find the timeline and rules for the WEA RA & NEA RA delegate elections.
Delegates to the RAs play a key role in setting the direction of the work of the WEA and NEA for the next year. WEA is a member-driven, democratically-governed organization and the annual Representative Assembly (RA) is its chief policy making body. Delegates serve a one-year term.
SEA is allocated 88 delegates to the 2025 WEA RA based on membership. The SEA Board of Directors has approved funding for 26 delegates to the WEA RA. Four (4) of the twenty-six (26) funded delegate positions are filled by virtue of office in accordance with our SEA bylaws. The WEA RA will be held in-person in Spokane, WA, April 24-26, 2025.
SEA has been allocated 36 delegates to 2025 NEA RA. The SEA Board of Directors has approved funding for 20 delegates to the NEA RA. Four (4) of the 20 funded delegate positions are filled by virtue of office in accordance with our SEA bylaws. The NEA RA will be held in-person in Portland, OR, July 2-6, 2025.
Below you will find the timeline and rules for the WEA RA & NEA RA elections.
- Nominations OPEN at 9 a.m.
- Nominations CLOSE at 7 p.m.
- Campaign literature posted on SEA Website and emailed to members
- 2/7/2025 – VOTING OPENS at 9 a.m.
- 2/21/2025 – VOTING CLOSES at 7 p.m.
- 2/24-2/27 – Election challenge
- 2/27/2025 – BoD certifies results
Submission Requirements
Candidate Statements
Candidates for SEA delegate may submit a 100-word statement which will be posted on the SEA website and will be included with the online ballot. Candidate statements are due at the time of the nomination form submission. The Chairperson reserves the right to eliminate words over the 100-word limit.
All candidates must be active members in good standing of the Seattle Education Association and contribute to WEA-PAC. Sign up for WEA-PAC here. Indigenous, Black, and People of Color members are especially encouraged to apply.
All campaigning for candidates, or by candidates, may only occur before or after the contractual day or during duty-free breaks/lunches. Both the campaigner and the receiver of materials must be on duty-free time.
Candidates may not distribute any campaign materials on the floor of the RA. Campaign materials may not be posted in the RA meeting area.
Candidates may not use SEA or SPS owned computers, copy machines, telephones nor any other resource purchased using union or employer funds. Candidates may not campaign on time paid for by the union or employer. Current officers must take vacation time or a leave of absence if they are going to campaign during work hours. SEA-generated membership lists that contain home addresses and personal e-mail addresses may not be used by candidates and/or their representatives for campaign purposes.
The use of district e-mail for campaigning is prohibited. It may be used by the SEA Nominations and Elections Committee and ARs to provide information on the timeline, reminders to vote, rules and regulations, and where to access campaign materials.
If any SEA member is alleged by the Chairperson to be violating campaign rules or timelines, they may be disqualified by the Board of Directors from the election process. A special session of the Board of Directors can be called to rule on any alleged violation. If one violation is found to be credible the candidate will be issued a warning and the rules will be re-stated. If two violations are found to be credible the candidate will be disqualified. Review of complaints regarding campaign materials will be presented to the Board at the election certification.
If you have questions or inquiries, contact the Nominations & Elections Committee Co-Chair Morgan Leming at: SEAelectionscommittee@gmail.com