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2025 WEA/NEA RA Delegate Candidate Info

SEA is allocated 88 delegates to the 2025 WEA RA based on membership. The SEA Board of Directors has approved funding for 26 delegates to the WEA RA. Four (4) of the twenty-six (26) funded delegate positions are filled by virtue of office in accordance with our SEA bylaws. The WEA RA will be held in-person in Spokane, WA, April 24-26, 2025.

SEA has been allocated 36 delegates to 2025 NEA RA. The SEA Board of Directors has approved funding for 20 delegates to the NEA RA. Four (4) of the 20 funded delegate positions are filled by virtue of office in accordance with our SEA bylaws. The NEA RA will be held in-person in Portland, OR, July 2-6, 2025.

Delegates to the RAs play a key role in setting the direction of the work of the WEA and NEA for the next year. WEA is a member-driven, democratically-governed organization and the annual Representative Assembly (RA) is its chief policy making body. Delegates serve a one-year term.

Alisha QuinonesAlaina McCallum
Antoinette FelderAlisha Quinones
Ashley MyersAnn Dunbar
Char DhootAntoinette Felder
Charlotte AlexanderAshley Myers
Connor LeeChar Dhoot
Davina Diaz she/herCharlotte Alexander
DaZanne PorterConnor Lee
Heather BarkerDavina Diaz she/her
Ibijoke (Ibi) IdowuDaZanne Porter
Jake MillerElizabeth Ward-Robertson
Jeff PaulHeather Barker
Jenn DunneIbijoke (Ibi) Idowu
Jennifer L HallJake Miller
Joyce McDonaldJeff Paul
Liz Ruiz-PuyanaLiz Ruiz-Puyana
Lizzie AnemaMarla Rasmussen
Marla RasmussenMary Vester
Mary VesterMatt Burtness
Matt BurtnessMatt Legacki
Matt LegackiMelissa Bedford
Matthew Van DuynMs. Vallerie Fisher
Melissa BedfordOtis E Golden
Ms. Vallerie FisherPeter Henry
Otis E GoldenPrice Jimerson
Peter HenryShannon Ratner
Price JimersonSherrill Jackson-Vaughan
Shannon RatnerSoren Stewart-MacTavish
Sherrill Jackson- VaughanStan Strasner
Soren Stewart-MacTavishStef Skiljan
Stan StrasnerSusan Talley
Stef SkiljanVeronica Ainsa
Stephan KimmerleWhitney Kahn
Susan Talley
Veronica Ainsa
Whitney Kahn

If you have questions or inquiries, contact the Nominations & Elections Committee Co-Chair Morgan Leming at:


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