This past spring, we asked SEA members for their feedback regarding the looming school closures and consolidation conversation via a survey to all members. Within the feedback, we noticed several themes emerge around this issue. The major themes were related to concerns about class size and workload, displacement/job security, financial impacts, and timeline and transparency. Below you’ll find questions from members, along with answers that reflect the information we have at this time.
SEA is committed to updating members as new information becomes available.
Questions from Members (Last updated August 23, 2024)
Our Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA or contract) currently have language around workloads and class sizes. It’s also important to note that any changes SPS wants to make regarding workload and class sizes, must be negotiated with SEA.
Our CBA provides protections from displacement in two ways:
On the basis of seniority within each category.
With exemption language intended to protect educators of color and staff who are essential to the functioning of a site.
No. Any closures and consolidations will take effect in September of the 2025-2026 school year.
The long-standing SEA Committee for SPS Budget Analysis studies the SPS budget. A WEA Research Specialist supports this committee by providing a regular analysis of the SPS budget and spending. This committee meets yearly, and more often as our bargain approaches next spring.
The decision to consolidate or close schools lies with SPS. However, SEA retains the right to negotiate any policies and plans that impact our work and our students. We remain committed to keeping members involved throughout this process using our normal channels, such as email, our website, and social media.
We expect SPS to take community and staff input through meaningful community engagement around programmatic impacts. SEA will be keeping members informed as we learn more.
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